Can’t Help Falling In Love (With You)

I am in the UK. I am not yet living in London. I will do that when I have a job lined up, as I want to live close to where I work. I am currently staying with family in a village outside Cambridge.

So much change and so much upheval. And I still don’t know whether I am happy or sad, cause there’s still almost extreme moments of both. Often in the same day.

So I get up and move to the other side of the world, and things stay similar. Not the same though.

I’ve fallen for an English boy 7 3/4 years my junior, who I met my first weekend out of Australia.

I’ve travelled around Italy, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro alone and survived.

And now I desperately want a job so I can move to London and start the new chapter of my life. I love it here and appreciate my family’s generosity, but I need the stability of a permanent(ish) home.

Wish me luck for the job agency interview tomorrow please 🙂

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